Experience ultimate comfort.

Keep track of ambient temperature across corners and automatically send commands to your central cooling unit to facilitate optimum cooling. Intelligently save energy by automatically turning off AC/cooling system if a window/door is left open for too long.

Smart Climate Control for Perfect Living

Set the right temperature

Turn on your AC minutes before you reach home from a tiring day at office. Monitor the room temperature and set the room temperature based on the climate conditions for optimum energy use.

Smart Control Based on Climate Changes

Turn on home lights in case of dark clouds coming in and reduction in ambient light. In case of rains, turn off garden water sprinklers by sensing the soil moisture.

Smart Learning

The Smart Controller learns your usage patterns based on your daily routines over the course of time and triggers other smart devices/appliances automatically.

Set the perfect home conditions

We make it easy for you to set the perfect temperature of your home regardless of the season or other conditions. Create a comfortable environment by making adjustments from the same touch screen you use to control your lights, shades, and home entertainment system.

You can also monitor and control your thermostats from a mobile device.

Learn Usage Patterns

The smart thermostats will learn your energy usage patterns and requirements based on your daily schedules and trigger necessary smarthome device as per the need.

This reduces your burden and job of keeping a check on the energy usage and changing the smart settings.

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